Simon Kirby, MP for Brighton Kemptown, is to table an amendment to the Localism Bill, currently making its way through Parliament to allow the Secretary of State at the Department of Communities and Local Government, to change the Brighton Marina Act so that the provision to build above the cliff height could be disallowed.
Mr Kirby, along with local residents and councillors, had success last year in defeating a move to build a large tower above the cliff height, when the Secretary of State decided to uphold the view taken by Brighton and Hove City Council not to give planning permission to the company X Leisure which wanted to build the tower and undertake other works.
Mr Kirby is tabling an amendment to the Bill, which will allow the Secretary of State to amend, repeal, revoke or disapply a provision of any Act of Parliament, relating to planning functions, which was either creating uncertainty for a local authority in the discharge of its public duties or where there is public controversy.
The Bill is due to be heard on the Floor of the House of Commons, possibly in May and Mr Kirby is tabling his amendment for that stage of the Bill’s proceedings.
Mr Kirby said: ‘If this provision is passed it will be possible to change the Brighton Marina Act so that building above the cliff is prohibited. This would be greatly reassuring to residents who live on and near the Marina and who have made it very clear in the past that they are opposed to building above the cliff height. Indeed this would return the Act to the original intention of those drafting it in 1968.’
Leader of Brighton and Hove City Council, Councillor Mary Mears said: ‘I am delighted that Simon Kirby MP is tabling this important amendment. It will actually add clarity to the 1968 Marina Act, which is ambiguous in its wording.’